Sunday, July 19, 2009

Apartment Hunting and Such

So yesterday I went with my boyfriend to search for an apt in another city. Apt searching in Texas is can be a long, hard, hot day's work and I hadn't even ate any breakfast! Needless to say when he found the one at about 2 in the afternoon I was very happy. And hungry. But I was also feeling something else, jealousy, sadness, I don't know. I attributed it to the hunger. We hopped on over to the Steak n Shake across the street and I ate my food, smiling and talking about what a great apt he had found, and at such a great price too. Then it hit me. I had said earlier to him "You're so lucky, you get to live alone." He's paying for an apartment what I pay to live with 3 other roommates! I hate my college town. It's small and boring. Every apartment price is jacked up so I cant truly afford to live alone. I have another year of college left and I hope it flies by so fast. I have other things to do with my life. I feel trapped in a box. For now, I will wistfully look around his apartment, longing to have a place of my own. To decorate, to come home to and it will be just like I left it.

I'm in school to be a social worker, but I would love to also be an interior designer, judge or nail technician. I'm all over the place. Maybe I'll get to do these things in my lifetime. For now, I'm just ready to graduate!

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