Sunday, May 31, 2009

my hair, my frustration

I'm sitting here with a cap on my head, hair wet with Organic Root Stimulator Replenshing Pack conditioner. I love the smell of that stuff. Smells just like oranges. Anyway, I'm hoping this deep conditioning session will help my hair. Lately, its been drying out fast and its soooo puffy. I know I stretch my relaxers but man, I wish it didn't get so puffy so fast. I love the progress I've made:
  • wrapping my hair when i sleep at night
  • deep conditioning
  • using heat protectant when I use heat, which has dramatically decreased from everyday to 1-2x a week
  • putting oil on my ends

For some reason, even with all the good things I've been doing, it still seems dry. I want natural hair but I'm afraid it will be even drier? Hmm...

If my hair would get on track, maybe I wouldn't dread doing it in the morning. It is the 2nd longest task to do in the morning besides picking out my clothes. Don't even get me started on that.


  1. I'm going natural after having a relaxer for years - it's TOUGH! I actually have to wet it in the shower every morning just so I can get a comb through it, so I know your pain!

  2. I applaud your going natural! Thats amazing. I wish I could do it. I think it will happen at least by 2010 for me.
